Carioca is what people from Rio de Janeiro are referred to as. If you talked to a linguist regarding the term Carioca, they will more than likely tell you it is a Tupi Indian phrase which means "houses of whites" or "white house." This is how they described the homes that had been built by the Portuguese who settled in the country of Portugal. In time, this word was adopted by the Portuguese, and it is what most of the locals in Rio call themselves.
You don't need to be native to Rio to be a Carioca. All it requires to become one of them is to take on the way of life that is common to Rio. First, you must understand several of the basics if you are to become on of the locals.
The most important thing to realize when it comes to fitting right in with Cariocas, is understanding that time is flexible. If you are setting up a business meeting, do not be surprised when locals arrive a half hour late believing they are on time. If you don't realize this you will be very frustrated during your stay.
Some visitors have a difficult time figuring out another trait which is peculiar to someone from Rio. They're extremely friendly and they'll probably start up a conversation with strangers. However, when they tell you that they'll meet you later or come to your house, they probably don't plan on doing such a thing. It could be that they're just being polite. This isn't a big deal to others from Rio but you might find it frustrating. Just don't forget to have a plan B just in case so you won't waste your time.
Even though most think so, Brazilians are not Hispanic in the truest sense, however they do share some traces of Latin heritage. They often greet each other informally with a kiss on each cheek. This is common among females. When visiting in Rio, be sure you don't have a problem with being touched.
Even though Rio is Brazil's cultural capital and is home to a cosmopolitan life-style, even the most refined people can be found watching the popular soap operas called novelas. They get a lot of pleasure out of this.
You probably know about the enthusiasm for soccer that seems to be inborn in every Brazilian, and many people play on the beach using a volleyball net. No arms are permitted to the touch the ball. This is called futevolley. It's pretty cool to watch.
People from Rio have learned how to survive by sharing spaces with people from different cultural backgrounds. It is difficult to tell the difference between millionaires and the shack dweller on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Your origin doesn't matter when it comes to being a Carioca, all issue countrywide origin when it comes to turning out to be a Carioca, all backgrounds interact with each other.